Monday, January 28, 2013


See him from the side or front? Mind = Blown
Want a headache? If you do, study philosophy. Greek philosophers introduced many questions to the world that had never been asked before - making people see things differently than ever before. Socrates, Plato, Aristotle - three thinkers who shook up the status quo. Click here to read about Greek philosophers. 

While you're here, ponder these  philosophical questions. . . 

What is goodness? Is there really free-will? What are numbers? What's worse - lying or keeping secrets? What is happiness? Is there life after death? What is color? If you had a different name, would you act differently? Is it ever ok to steal? 

Now that you've got a thumping headache, look at the picture above - do you see him from the front or from the side? That's how philosophy works, there are many different ways to see things - no absolute right or wrong or correct anwer.

#Ouch #Tylenol 

Click HERE to watch a Horrible Histories of the Greek Philosophers

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Project (Red)

 Daily I ask myself, "How can I help someone else?" - people like Connie. People who need a hand, need a lift, need hope that things will get better. It's stories like this that remind me it's not about me; I have it good. Everything I need, I have - clothes, food, a home, friends, family, the list is endless. 

 I just purchased a pair of shoelaces for the Project (Red) movement. Although small, I hope it can help the fight against AIDS. With Martin Luther King, Jr. in mind, I believe he would agree when I tell you it's far more important to be the action than to be the talk - don't just dream, DO.

Greek Mythology

Do you love stories - stories of heroes, monsters, love, hate and adventure? If so, Greek Mythology is for you. Click here to read some Greek myths. But beware, you may just find yourself in the middle of fight-to-the-death between creature and god. 

Don't say I didn't warn you. Enjoy.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Power of You

Power. It can be good and bad. Power is what keeps things going; power is unlimited. Many of us don't realize how powerful of being we are - there is one person who makes your choices. One person has total access to your power, and that is you. Once we understand the power we alone hold as decision makers, our lives become so much clearer. 

Before we know our power it's easy and common to point fingers, make excuses and justify bad choices - it's a lack of understanding your power. Students, you are the owner of you. No one else can, or ever will, own you. The power to own your decisions is all yours. With any power, the choice becomes whether its used for good or bad. 

Be powerful. Be a force - make the decision to own everything you do; only you have the power to decide what you do, what you say, what you think - where you go in life. 


Monday, January 21, 2013

Don't just Dream, Do.

Click the picture to watch MLK Day 2013 Video
Martin Luther King Jr. gets a lot of attention for his "dream." However, I think dreams are overrated - everyone has things they'd like to see changed or made better. As a dream, and dream alone, just wanting to make things better is not good enough. Dreaming is not what set MLK apart from the rest; what made him special was his unstoppable pursuit to make his dream come true - and this can only be done by doing something; living out your dream.

If we all chased our dreams with action like Martin Luther King, making them come true, imagine how good we could make our world. It's up to me, to you, to us - we are the future. We are the hope. 


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Girls Baseketball Highlight Reel

Watch highlights from the 2012-13 season - along with a glimpse into the awesome players on this year's team!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

"I Choose to Live in. . . "

Ancient Acropolis still standing in Greece
Ever thought about living in ancient Greece? Whether you have, or have not, you have the opportunity to think about it on this post. Click each of the links to five of the most important city-states in ancient Greece for an idea of what life would be like. Then you can make your decision. 

   Athens     Sparta     Corinth     Megara     Argos

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Wax Museum Updates

In just over 100 days the students of team 6.3 will be bringing some of the most famous faces the world has ever known back to life - Visit the Wax Museum tab at the top of this page to get everything you need to know about this year's event. Also included are photos from 6.3's inaugural Wax Museum last spring (2012). 

The complete selection list is officially revealed as well - click here to see it! 

Friday, January 4, 2013

Do Not Fear Failure

Successful people never fail. 

That is wrong, terribly wrong. Some of the most successful, influential people who have ever lived failed miserably - and not just once, but time and time again. 

Fear of failure will stop you from doing amazing things. Use failure to fuel you as your dreams are chased. 

Enjoy the video, and remind yourself to never give up - only try harder.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year's Resolutions - How will you get better?

What will you do this year?
Every year, millions of people make a resolution when a new year begins - to lose or gain something, to start or stop something, to be or not be someone. Within that same year, most of those people quit their resolution, giving in and returning to their old ways, probably because the change was too hard. I challenge each of you to not pick one GIANT resolution, but three smaller, obtainable things you can tackle. 

In this post, share your resolutions by commenting and listing them for us. Everyone who does this will receive a blue ticket - you're also inspiring others to possibly try what you're trying too. 

To get things rolling, I will tell you my three resolutions:

1. Run a 10k race in under 40 minutes (my previous best is 45:30)
2. Write in my diary every day (my dad does this, and when he shares things he wrote 40 years ago, it's quite interesting!)
3. Complete a Tough Mudder challenge (13 miles obstacle course, ending with a run through exposed, live wires)

So 6.3, what are you going to achieve in 2013 to make this the best year of your life. But enjoy it while it lasts, this year will only be your best for 365 days. . . until you get even better next year!