Thursday, December 16, 2010


Our Gates will take us from ancient China into today's modern China - much has changed while much has also stayed the same. It is our goal to discover and explain the transformation that has taken place in China. Your assignment is to comment on this post with two (2) aspects of China that have stayed the same, two (2) aspects that have changed, and one (1) fact about modern China you find MOST interesting!

Post is worth 15 points and should be done during class. Gather valuable information for your Gates - Good Luck.

Sites to get you started. . .

Religion in modern China:

Culture in Modern China:

Other suggested topics,

- Environment issues
- Government
- What do most people do for jobs?
- Technology
- Entertainment
- Sports
- Foods


  1. In 1980 Chinese religion was banned, now they only alow five religions:Protestantism,Catholicism,Buddhism, Islam, and Taoism. Chinese doorways have stayed the same as well as there hair cuts. Different things in China is footbinding is no longer used, the electronics,and the buildings.

  2. Changes:They can have religion back now.
    They have 5 religions.

    Same:The inovations have multiplied but they are the same.
    The language.

    Modern china was the same and different from ancient china.

  3. Things hat have stayed the same: Religon has changed but also stayed the same. In Ancient China religon was banned,but today in China if you were a Christian you would be put to death.

    Things that have changed: Now in Modern China woman can go to shool and have a job. Unlike Acient China when the woman couldn't have a job or go to school.

    Interesting Fact: According to the economists, China will be the wealthiest nation by the year 2010.

  4. hey i cant believe that religion was banned from china just 30 years ago. It is so cruel to people . i think that a live food section would not work for us.

  5. the chinese goverment only allowed 5 relogons
    14-15% chinese belive i bhudism. less than 1% chinese people are Taoist

  6. Just 30 years ago religion was band from China.

  7. The ancient chinese ways of feet binding was banned, foot binding was were a wonman would break their feet becasuse that was a sign of beauty.

    In 1980 chinese religion was banned also, and now there is only 5 religions the are aloud to have.

    They stay with the same language and they have about the same hair cuts as they did in the ancient times.

    The ancient chania ways were the same and diffrent as it is now.

  8. Same: Haircuts and Doorway
    Different: Foot Binding and religion

  9. it is really intresting that acient china hasent changed that much sence modrent china:)

  10. One thing that is both same and different is the clothing, most people in China wear 'normal clothing that we wear everyday. But some peopl still wear the dresses, mostly girls.

    Something that is different is the religion because most people believed in one religion. Now they believe in a lot more, the main ones are: Protestantism, Catholicism, Buddhism, Islam and Taoism. Those are the religions that are allowed today.

    *Less than 1% of Chinese are Taoist while about 1.5% are Muslim.

  11. 30 years ago religion was banned. today communist government now allows religion to exist.two too four percent of the adult population identifiesthemselfs as christian. there is no longer footbinding. they wrote on oracle bones to predict the future. red is considered a lucky color.

  12. In ancient China familys were ruled by the oldest male and once a girl got maried she would have to move in with her husband's family. Both in ancient China and in Modern China they still have the same language and haircuts. I found it most intresting that foot binding would be considered a act of beauty.

  13. The oldest man in the family was the one to listen too. The woman would obay everything the man said.
    They had the same haircuts and languge.
    the most intresting that i found was the they did foot binding and that was the way to get married. Also that the wrote on orcale bones to tell the king what he wanted to know.

  14. Your students didn't do much, did they, Mr. K?

