Wax Museum

Click the collage above to view the 2013 Wax Museum selections!

2013 Selection List

Maybe you have been wondering who is who for this year's Wax Museum? I can answer that - click on the picture to the left, or click here to see the complete selection list.

It's only a matter of time until 6.3 brings history to life!

Master List of Historical People                            2011-12 Characters by category 

 2011-12 Team 6.3 Student selections                       Parent Letter (THIS YEAR)


  1. Dunnyet-Is Mr. K even seeing our comments?

  2. Mr. K is seeing your comments. I know he is because I know him. I am him.

  3. Mr. K are you sure you are seeing our comments??????

  4. I can't wait for Wax Museum but I have no idea what to wear! I'm Grace Kelly so I know I could just wear a cool dress and tiara and be fine but I really want to stand out from the crowd the one who everybody says, "Did you see the girl who dressed up as Grace Kelly?" That would be a successful Wax Museum to me. Anybody else second me? -The Most Awesome Gracee Williamson ~8)

  5. Mr.K,
    I still remember your website. Still lots of fun.
    ~#20 yr. 2012-13
