Tuesday, November 27, 2012

A Play for the Ages

Click on picture above to read the play
Hinduism is the world's third largest religion - nearly one billion people call themselves Hindus. As a large, and growing world religion, it is important to understand what makes this belief so popular and unique. Take a moment to give "Just Hindu It" - A Play for the Ages a quick read. You'll be glad you did. 

Students in 6.3 social studies read and performed the play in class. I am ever increasingly proud of the students and individuals they are becoming. 


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

And We're Walkin'. . .

So you're telling me we need to walk around the city for six days, then on the seventh day we walk around it seven times, play some trumpets, yell at the top of our lungs and the walls will just come crumbling down? 

Well, it's worth a shot. 

Watch team 6.3 re-live the Israelite take-over of Jericho during their return to Canaan - their promised land. 


Sunday, November 18, 2012

Which was worst?

Which aspect of ancient Indian life was the worst?
See results

Friday, November 16, 2012

#WM2013 Selection Show

Click on picture to watch the Selection Show
Before we can bring history to life, we must first choose a person - but how do we know when it's our turn to choose? The Selection Show reveals the order of team 6.3 students for selecting their person. Suspense, excitement, intrique - what more could you ask for in the classroom?

111 students on team 6.3 are making a difference in peoples' lives. Join the movement


Monday, November 12, 2012

Change. A. Life

It's here. You are about begin a journey that will change your life, as well as others. The Wax Museum ends in one final, unforgettable night. Family, friends, students, relatives, community members, and many other people will see the end product - what they do not see, however, is the hard work you put in over several months time. In order for us to make a difference, we must put on an absolute show. If we impress the audience, they will pay more; the more each person pays, the more we raise. Once we count the money, we donate every single cent to a cause that will directly help people in need - the more we make, the more people we can help. You see, the Wax Museum is about us, but at the same time, so much more about others. 

Our motto for this year's Wax Museum:   Change. A. Life. 

For all the information, click on the Wax Museum link at the top of this page - or click here


Saturday, November 10, 2012

Diaspora Day 2012

Watch the amazing efforts of team 6.3's social studies students as they wrap up their Ancient Israelite unit. This is called the "Diaspora," and it is something that will never be forgotten. By living this historical event and making it real, genuine understanding results. 

Good job everyone - with each day I become more and more impressed and proud of you.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Know Strength Worldwide

8 countries down, 188 to go (there are 196 countries in the world)
Know Strength has been viewed all around the world - some near, others far. I wonder which country will be next. . . 

While we wait, I want to give you a blue-ticket opportunity - figure out which eight countries (flags) are pictured to the left. When you have done that, comment on this post with your answer - use format "p3-Otzi" to write your post. Try to do this without looking at our KnowStrengthSpread map. Happy hunting, and good luck. #brainpower

#6.3 Most Typical Student (2011-12 school year)

National Geographic inspired me to take a look at who the most Typical student on team 6.3 was last year. This video provides characteristics and traits most commonly found. My challenge is to NOT be typical. You're all born unique, special and one-of-a-kind. You have an opportunity and responsibility to be the only YOU that has ever been and will ever be. How will you stand out? 

 Don't be Typical. Be YOU