Monday, December 16, 2013

Ancient Chinese Dynasties Headquarters

Get to know them
Today (12/17/13) you will be hearing from an expert historian of the ancient Chinese civilization - specifically the Shang Dynasty. Click the link below for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to learn from such a person. Read the questions, read the letter, go back into the text for strength in answering each question. Cite specific text as often as possible. Enjoy.

Today (12/18/13) you will learn by reading information about the Zhou Dynasty - Family, Warriors, Gods. By explaining questions you will get a better sense of life during this long time period in ancient China.

Today (1/7/14) you will learn about the third (and by far shortest) Chinese dynasty - Qin. Let's uncover the truth behind this small period of Chinese history - why did it begin and end so rapidly? Was anything of importance accomplished withing this time? These questions and more will be answered using the resources below.

Today (1/10/14) you will learn about the final Chinese Dynasty that we study in 6th grade (there are several more, but we do not study them). Could the new rulers of China turn the nation around after a 19 year period of violence and distrust from the Qin Dynasty? 

Access Shang Dynasty Letter and Questions here.
Get your Zhou Dynasty guided notes and read this information to learn and answer the questions.
Qin Dynasty note guide here. Information/reading accessed here.
Han Dynasty note guide here. Invention Task #2 document here. Inventions website link here.

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