Friday, December 21, 2012

Sioux Falls to Newtown - We are with you

We feel there is no greater act than to answer a call of need. Right now, and for a long time to come, the people of Newtown, CT need us - all of us. Although what we contribute is small and much like everyone else, we hope to impact a mourning community at least slightly. As students, individuals, friends, sons, daughters and siblings, an amazing group of one hundred students answered the call to help. How my students took control of Wednesday, December 19th, the day we spent dedicating to those passed and living, continues to amaze me. There is no greater force than love. There is no more powerful being than one's self - from countless miles away, WE made a difference

Thank you students of team 6.3 - you have made us proud.

Friday, December 14, 2012

(Half) Year in Review

Team 6.3 brings to a close a quite successful first half to our school year - bumps and hiccups along the way only make individuals and teams better and stronger. Things do not always sail smoothly - it is the difficulty by which we struggle that makes us stronger. Enjoy a glimpse into the team we call 6.3


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Battle: China Facts

Which class period has the most KnowStrength today? I don't know yet either, but I'm excited to find out. Lino provides the perfect platform to showcase what we've learned about ancient China - some of which we learned over the past couple weeks, some of which will be learned today. Winning today's History League event simply requires posting the most legitimate sticky notes to each designated Lino page. 

Viewing other class period's Lino pages will result in penalty - every page has a different background; while monitoring it will be easy to see if anyone's eyes have strayed. . . 

Select your class period above to reach your destination. Happy Facting

Mr. Klumper will provide log in information during class

Chinese Foot Binding

As a status symbol in ancient China, foot binding has crippled thousands of women - women seeking beauty and acceptance in the form of tiny feet. For thousands of years, women intentionally broke their feet and wrapped them tightly, as to prevent them from growing. Called "three inch golden lotuses," bound feet were admired for ages - even after being outlawed women continued binding their own feet in secret. 

Listen to one Chinese woman's account of binding her own feet. Listen here.

Below, another person remembrance of foot binding in ancient China. I do need to warn you to watch this with caution - some sights and sounds may be displeasing. 

Monday, December 10, 2012

Leave Nothing Unsaid. . .

Please don't allow yourself to ever think "I wish I had told them. . . " - while we can, we must tell the people we care about just how much they mean to us. #SayWhatYouFeel

A Hoax. . .

I see you . . . 
Ever felt as though other people are watching, waiting for you to mess up or do something wrong? 6.3 students were charged with the tasked of keeping a watchful eye on other students today - obligated to report any misbehavior. Failing to do so would result in punishment, as getting their name written down carried its own harsh consequences. 

This hoax introduced our next topic - life during the Qin (chin) Dynasty in ancient China. Emperor Qin required all Chinese people to "spy" on one another and record any actions deemed negative. As you can imagine, this did not produce a great deal of trust among the people - "you reported me, I'll report you" turned quickly into a bout of vengeance. 

Hear and seeing a rush of "ahhhhhhhh" after uncovering the true nature of this hoax, I understand how Qin created a dangerous atmosphere in ancient China - perhaps explaining the short duration of his rule (19 years).

Click here to read the letter that terrified students. One thing is certain, however, today was each class' best behaved period! 


Click the picture to view Photo Gallery - Making memories everyday
In the short time they've been together, team 6.3 students have made lasting experiences - check our #63 Photo Gallery to see in pictures what is so very hard to express in words - the joy we have each and every day.

1:Face Watch

Click on the picture to visit the site
As many of you know, my 1:Face watch has been on my wrist for a week. Every time I hit the button to light up the time I realize that my purchase has made a difference - choosing Red meant my contribution aided kids with AIDS by supplying medicine to help them feel the way most of us do everyday - healthy. 

Whether as a Christmas present or present to yourself, a $40 1:Face watch is a way for us all to make a difference in someone's life! 


Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Over the Shoulder - Shang Dynasty

Dive into our first of four dynasties of ancient China - the Shang Dynasty. What made this time period unique? Watch Shang Dynasty specific clips taken from Over the Shoulder volume 3


Monday, December 3, 2012

Standings after 10 events

History League is a competition designed to create an atmosphere of excellence. Each class period is a team, receiving points based on performance in varying competitions. Ten events have been completed, a great deal of teamwork and knowledge has already been demonstrated.

Examples of events: Class average on quiz/test, speed accomplishing a task, most points during teamwork exercises, accuracy of tasks. 

Scoring is as follows; Ten points are awarded to the class period who wins the event, eight points to second place, six to third and four points given to fourth place. 

Current Standings:
First place: Period 2 (80 points)
Second placed: Period 4 (74 points)
Third place: Period 9 (66 points)
Fourth place: Period 6 (60 points)


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

A Play for the Ages

Click on picture above to read the play
Hinduism is the world's third largest religion - nearly one billion people call themselves Hindus. As a large, and growing world religion, it is important to understand what makes this belief so popular and unique. Take a moment to give "Just Hindu It" - A Play for the Ages a quick read. You'll be glad you did. 

Students in 6.3 social studies read and performed the play in class. I am ever increasingly proud of the students and individuals they are becoming. 


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

And We're Walkin'. . .

So you're telling me we need to walk around the city for six days, then on the seventh day we walk around it seven times, play some trumpets, yell at the top of our lungs and the walls will just come crumbling down? 

Well, it's worth a shot. 

Watch team 6.3 re-live the Israelite take-over of Jericho during their return to Canaan - their promised land. 


Sunday, November 18, 2012

Which was worst?

Which aspect of ancient Indian life was the worst?
See results

Friday, November 16, 2012

#WM2013 Selection Show

Click on picture to watch the Selection Show
Before we can bring history to life, we must first choose a person - but how do we know when it's our turn to choose? The Selection Show reveals the order of team 6.3 students for selecting their person. Suspense, excitement, intrique - what more could you ask for in the classroom?

111 students on team 6.3 are making a difference in peoples' lives. Join the movement


Monday, November 12, 2012

Change. A. Life

It's here. You are about begin a journey that will change your life, as well as others. The Wax Museum ends in one final, unforgettable night. Family, friends, students, relatives, community members, and many other people will see the end product - what they do not see, however, is the hard work you put in over several months time. In order for us to make a difference, we must put on an absolute show. If we impress the audience, they will pay more; the more each person pays, the more we raise. Once we count the money, we donate every single cent to a cause that will directly help people in need - the more we make, the more people we can help. You see, the Wax Museum is about us, but at the same time, so much more about others. 

Our motto for this year's Wax Museum:   Change. A. Life. 

For all the information, click on the Wax Museum link at the top of this page - or click here


Saturday, November 10, 2012

Diaspora Day 2012

Watch the amazing efforts of team 6.3's social studies students as they wrap up their Ancient Israelite unit. This is called the "Diaspora," and it is something that will never be forgotten. By living this historical event and making it real, genuine understanding results. 

Good job everyone - with each day I become more and more impressed and proud of you.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Know Strength Worldwide

8 countries down, 188 to go (there are 196 countries in the world)
Know Strength has been viewed all around the world - some near, others far. I wonder which country will be next. . . 

While we wait, I want to give you a blue-ticket opportunity - figure out which eight countries (flags) are pictured to the left. When you have done that, comment on this post with your answer - use format "p3-Otzi" to write your post. Try to do this without looking at our KnowStrengthSpread map. Happy hunting, and good luck. #brainpower

#6.3 Most Typical Student (2011-12 school year)

National Geographic inspired me to take a look at who the most Typical student on team 6.3 was last year. This video provides characteristics and traits most commonly found. My challenge is to NOT be typical. You're all born unique, special and one-of-a-kind. You have an opportunity and responsibility to be the only YOU that has ever been and will ever be. How will you stand out? 

 Don't be Typical. Be YOU

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Teach me how to Pixton

Click for Pixton tutorial
Click on the picture to watch Mr. Klumper explain how to get started on Pixton: Comic Maker. You are all going to be creating a unique comic to demonstrate your learning about the ancient Israelites. Tutorial made using JING Screen Capture tool. 

Comic must deomnstrate your understanding of the following:
- Two (2) people we have met. Characters don't need to be these people - explain them somehow. 
- Three (3) events the Israelites experienced.
- Two (2) places the Israelites settled/lived. Include why they went to, or left each location. 
- Pixton title needs to be formated like your Prezi and KS comments. ex: p6-Julius Caesar

Click HERE for Pixton link. 

Activation Codes: (DON'T USE THESE ANYMORE!! :))

period 2 = E963-VE
period 4 = WF66-TY
period 5 = WF66-TY (Jhett and Kim use p9 activation code)
period 9 = VFXT-RB

Example account:
Screen name: p2-Julius (no spaces, capitalize first letter of name)
Password: juliuscaesar (all lower-case, no spaces)
Real Name: Julius Caesar (this can be typed however you want; doesn't affect your log-in)

Lion Eyes

We began "Lion Eyes" a few weeks into the school year. So far, thirty-six students have watched over class for a full day. Lion Eyes are always chosen at random, and gives students a fun challenge to figure out "whose eyes are up there?" as well as recognize each student for an entire day! Can you name all thirty-six of your 6.3 teammates? 

Be ready, you never know when it'll be YOUR day. . . #63forever

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Our Watcher

Say hello to our Scarecrow, whom we affectionately named Otzi in honor of the real Iceman that lived 5,000 years ago. So far he's braved cold, wind, rain, and yes, some snow already. He's hanging in there - his robe has fallen off one shoulder, but all-in-all, he's as strong as ever. Fight the good fight, Otzi. Keep the crows out of here! 


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Beauty AND Power - The Impact of Queen Nefertiti

Who was Queen Nefertiti? What did she do? Watch this video and discover her impact, both in ancient and modern times. Believed to be a true beauty, Nefertiti has captured the minds of people for ages - most recently the minds of a hundred 6th graders hungry for knowledge. #nom-nom

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Discovering The Boy King

Watch this first-person account of the events surrounding the discovery and aftermath of opening Pharaoh Tutankhamun's tomb for the first time in centuries.

Friday, October 19, 2012

1:Face Watches

Watches with a Purpose
Check out this site. A friend of mine sent this to me. Buying a watch helps fund research and help for some of the world's most needy people! Check out the video. Click on the picture to visit the site to watch the vid and check out the watches.

In the Name of the King - Building the Great Pyramid

Continue to follow the life of Nacht as he devotes his life to the building of King Khufu's 'Great Pyramid' - even though you've already decided if the Pyramids were necessary or not, continue to ask yourself that question as you see the lives of thousands of people changed because of this one, single structure

A World Wonder, but Necessary? Egyptian Pyramids

Our BIG Question: Were the Pyramids of Ancient Egypt Necessary?
See results

As we have spent the past three days studying the Egyptian Pyramids and educating ourselves on the issue, each of us is ready to take a stand: vote for what you think. Were the Egyptian Pyramids necessary or not? Let's see what KnowStrengthers think!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

"Get down here! Opportunity came to see you!"

Knock, knock. Who's there? Opportunity. Opportunity who? Uncover the names of these three people and you could win 2 blue tickets and 2 NEW KnowStrength stickers. Hint: All 3 people are related to Egypt in some way - ancient AND modern times. . . happy hunting.

Only 10 people can win. So make sure you act fast. The eleventh person to get it will receive a "good job" and high five. 

Egyptian Knowledge could save your life. . .

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Big. Cool. Impressive. . . but were they necessary?

Help! Mr. Klumper put me up here and I have no way down!
Have you ever been "on the fence," so to speak? The Know Strength students of 6.3 have perhaps been on one side, the other, or on top of the fence over the course of two days. . . Each student has been charged with the task of answering this question: "Were the Egyptian Pyramids necessary?" This topic raises many questions, answers and everything in between. What do you think - did they serve a purpose, accomplish a task or leave a lasting legacy? All questions you need to ponder, research and answer for yourself. As there is no right or wrong answer, your ability to strengthen your stance is what separates you from others. #63forever

Friday, October 12, 2012

Solo Mission - Teamwork Challenge

"Good job" - "Should we fist pound?" - Yup
Today the students were sent on a "Solo Mission" - this was something unthinkable earlier in the year! But today, they were ready. Totally on their own and responsible for making every decision as a group, students were given the task to understand historical information about ancient Egypt. Who lead, how the information was used, determining when they could move on - all issues needing to be addressed. Classes began with 100 points and were scored based on their performance in five categores; Cooperation, Efficiency, Participation, Volume and Teamwork. Our ability to work with other people, to give ideas as well as take, and to look out for the whole group's interest are skills needed to be successful. We, team 6.3, are making our way to becoming a collection of change makers and leaders. #teamwork

Monday, October 8, 2012

2012 Logo Entry Winner! - Sam Dobbs

Thank you again to all who submitted a logo entry. You can still see all logos below - many were deserving of the title 'Know Strength Logo.' Sam Dobbs is a member of social studies period 2 - his entry received 85 votes! Congratulations again.


Thursday, October 4, 2012

Over the Shoulder Volume I

Click on the picture above to watch "Over the Shoulder Volume I" to review for tomorrow's Unit One test/quiz/exam. Call it whatever you want, but prepare yourself to show how much you've learned and let your hard work pay off. #63domination

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Teach me how to Prezi

Prezi allows us to learn and teach. Today you will all become teachers by creating your own Prezi. Show what you know by creating an informative, interesting and fun presentation. Classmates will later be viewing your Prezi - maybe it will be you who teaches them something important. .

Prezis must include:
- 10+ facts about Mesopotamian daily life
- 5+ pictures related to your information
- Prezi name must be "Class period - full name" ex: p3 - Otzi Benedict Svenson Jr.
- Make it fun, intersting and unique.

Access Prezi here: - follow the steps below to get signed in
step one: insert user name
step two: insert password knowstrength
step three: click new prezi
step four: select your template (what your prezi looks like)
step five: insert facts and pictures

Thursday, September 20, 2012

~ The World's Gonna Know Your Name ~

Does the world know you yet? Most likely not - after all, you have not even yet reached your teenage years. But, it is never too early for you to get ready for that distant time in life when you leave your mark. When looking back on life, too many people wish they had just "done more" - maybe moments slipped away, and opportunities were lost because they weren't ready to leave their mark. We study a lot of people of the past and we all remember certain people in our lives that left their mark on us. These people taught, encouraged, motivated and inspired us to do more, to reach higher. How are YOU going to do that for someone else? How will you make your life truly count? Look at your finger prints - only you have that mark. Leave them, spread them. #63forever #changemakers

Monday, September 17, 2012

Yo, it's time for a Logo - Calling all designers

Know Strength has officially been launched, and is making waves among the Blog community. It is time to give Know Strength what it needs - it's own logo! This post is dedicated to announcing the beginning of a friendly competition between 6.3 students. The competition is to create Know Strength its very own, and first ever, logo. This logo will be displayed anywhere Know Strength goes. Be creative, be artistic, be thoughtful, be unique - logo finalists will be voted on by 6.3 teammates. Winning creator will be rewarded greatly for their hard work and creativity. More details will be given during class.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Forever Remember 9/11

Like 2001, September 11th falls on a Tuesday. Today marks the eleventh anniversary of an event forever remembered for the innocent lives stolen, the heroes who showed real courage and bravery, and the millions of people who rallied together to unify a nation. September 11th, 2001was a day of sadness, shock and fear - September 11, 2012 should be a day of hope, love and peace. Acts of hatred and violence occur around the world each day. We are the path to a safer world, we are the future peace that is so desperately needed. Instead of look back and ask why, let us look forward and ask how - how can we spread love and tolerance among people. Everyone is different, everyone will not always see eye to eye. But, we as a people of the world can accept differences and live together in peace. It's up to us. Let 9/11 remind us of the power we hold in our hands to make change. 

*Visit this link for more amazing tributes and memorials of September 11, 2001:


Friday, September 7, 2012

SHOUT HOUSE "Welcome to Know Strength" Competition

WELCOME TO 'KNOW STRENGTH' - See for yourself which class shouted those words the loudest. Watch each video (videos go period 2 - northwest, period 4 - northeast, period 5 - southwest, period 9 - southeast) and vote for who you think was the best and loudest - winning class period wins treats for a day! VOTE VOTE VOTE! (Better know your cardinal directions (N,S,E,W) to vote for the right class!)

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Dream BIG

Last night as I watched two different events on TV, I got to thinking about the people involved in each event. I watched the democratic national convention and a professional football game. All would agree, I assume, that political figures and pro athletes have come close to reaching the top of their profession. This success was not random, it was not luck and did not happen because by chance. Those people had a dream, probably something they developed early in their lives - they dreamt not to be "ok," "average," or "decent." Instead, people everyday make the choice to do more, be more and make a difference by clawing and fighting for their dreams. So what are you going to do today - be "ok" or are you going to DREAM BIG?

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

2.5 Million Years Ago. . .

Long, long ago, human beings made several amazing advancements - and I do not mean Xboxes, Computers, Cars or iPods. Although those items are wonderful, inventions during the Paleolithic Age allowed for humans to advance past their caveman lives. Fire, tools and weapons were invented. I know this does not sound like much, but we would not be here this today without invention of these "basic" things. How these people lived and how they compare to our lives today is the focus of this post. #Learnforever

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Guide to Latitude/Longitude

We are well on our way to becoming experts of Location. Using 'Absolute' and 'Relative' locations can help people find places/things. This raises the issue of 'coordinates' when using absolute location. Until you fully understand how coordinates work, this process can be frustrating - but you all stuck w/ it and had confidence in yourself to understand. This video can serve as a reminder for coordinates. (We only use degrees, so don't worry about the 'minutes' and 'seconds' they talk about!) Have a good rest of your weekend.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Ӧtzi Mania!

Day 1 of uncovering the life, death and discovery of Otzi the Iceman complete. Yet there is much more to come. We still need to tackle big questions regarding his purpose for being alone, how he was killed, where he was going and why it was "lucky" that anyone found him. While we search for clues to unlock answers to these questions, I also encourage you to imagine the world Otzi lived in - a world much different than ours. What did he do for fun? Was he married? Did he have children? If he did they surely were sad when father didn't return. . How did he and his people communicate - was their language? You see, although much has changed, and our lives are far different, in some ways there just may be some similarities between 'us' and 'them'. . .

Meet my Old Friend - Ӧtzi

Have you ever met someone really old? I bet you have. Maybe this person has told you stories about what life was like when they were younger - usualy their world was far different than ours, making it hard to even imagine what it could have been like long ago. Well, meet my oldest friend, Ӧtzi. He was your age about 5,300 years ago. How different was life for him, you ask? Let's find out. Use the resources listed below this post to find out. Take your first step into history!

"Lino It" -

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

What's your hiSTORY?

You are unique. You are special. You are the only you - the only you that has ever been and the only you that ever will be. Tell me your story. History is an endless collection of stories. You are one in the collection. Who are you? Where did you and your family come from? How will you impact the world? This assignment is due Monday (Aug 27). To say I am excited to learn more about each and every one of you is an understatement. Ok, you have the instruction, details and are ready to begin. What is your hiSTORY?

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

As a new school year begins, what kind of student and person are you going to be? I want you all to think about that question, and think hard. School is one of few things that has a start and end - most jobs are done all year long, never ending. But YOU have a chance to make a new beginning for yourself. I don't know the fifth grade you. The chance to start over is very exciting. There are a lot of things I want to get better at as a teacher so you can learn. I have a new beginning; and so do you. Maybe you got into a little trouble, or missed some homework, or didn't give your best effort last year. I am here to tell you that's ok! But we do not make excuses, and past mistake are only 'ok' if you learn from them and make yourself better NOW. Turn in all of your homework, study harder for tests, stay out trouble, be a better friend, be a better son or daughter. The things you can get better at are endless! Make the most of your new beginning. 9:00, August 20th - your new beginning is near. What are you going to do with it. . .