Wednesday, May 22, 2013

End of Year Vid pt2

What didn't make it into the End of Year Video? Well, here's some of it. After nine months of footage being sifted through, there are many funny/goofy moments yet to share. Hope you enjoy, and remember, no matter the passage of time, we are #63Forever.


  1. Elise,
    so glad i had my phone at the time u texted, i literally jumped over our couch to get to the computer, this video brings back so many memories i had with you. Im really gonna miss you next year and i bet that goes for everyone. I never thought i would have become so close to a teacher and i hope i get to see you sometimes during school next year, but i mean you could always switch to 7th grade ss...that would be great!

  2. ahahhahahahahahahhahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahahhahahahaha I thought you were lying about it being funny, I thought I was gonna keep crying which I still did btw because im gonna miss it so much, but not as much as the other one definitely. Thank you so much for all the amazing times and laughs and im honestly on my knees in front of my computer saying,"MR K PLZ PLZ PLZZZZ SWITCH TO SEVENTH GRADE SS I WILL SMILE TIL I DIE IF YOU DO!!" You should just go thru the year with us and not let them mix us up. You know I think that's kinda stupid how they have to mix us up instead of letting us stay with the same people. Middle school would be so much more fun and have a longer impact on us if we went thru all the good and bad times together. I should sign a petition......

  3. Oh and by the way I am so-OW IT POKED ME!!
    -I'm pretty sure you know who it is but anyways, GRACEE IS AWESOMELY DRAMATIC BUT NEEDS TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL BECAUSE firstly a thingy thing poked me secondly I have horrible homesickness and lastly I AM SUFFERING FROM DIRECTION INFECTION
