Monday, May 20, 2013

Who are YOU?

Originally the intent was to include these photos in the End of Year Video, but they didn't quite make it. So, I've found them a new home - their own separate video. If I had to make a sign right now, it'd say this, "I Am. . . not happy school is over."

And I'd be frowning. . . not crying, just frowning. Ok, well maybe I'd be. . . well, nevermind any of that.



  1. I miss you Mr Klumper! can you do me a favor and keep us all updated on instagram and knowstrength, iv been waiting a while for this. :'( ~Elise

  2. and is it just me or are your baby sharks getting bigger, have they been slipping off their diet... bad mr klumper

  3. hey one question, now that you arent our teacher anymore (what im not tearing up) are you allowed to talk to us on instagram?

  4. Its okay Mr k were all crying. Well maybe just me. The second I saw this on my laptop I jumped over a table to watch it. DOES THAT MAKE ME DESPERATE FOR A TIME TRAVELER TO GO BACK TO THE BEGINING OF THE YEAR?!??!
    -Grace misses school, actually just 6.3

  5. hey klumpire how are you I miss having class with you I also miss the exiting lessons you would teach us its boring without you teachig me nollige almost every day this is your little fruit smuggler just saying hi from zach thielsen

  6. A few thing:
    1) Were a few people on there twice?
    2) Gotta have some chub-chub for your glub-glub.*
    3) Gracee seems hyper as ever.
    4) Mr. Klumper! Do you have your own country now? I gotta say, "the Klumpire" is sort of a good name. The Romans have nothing on that!
    5) You! Random person reading this? Are you enjoying your summer?**

    *I don't really know what I said, so don't ask me what I meant by that.
    **Or fall, or winter, or spring, or whatever season it is right now.
